Salix pierotii is a native to China, Russia, Japan and Korea and is easy to recognize this tree in leaf, as it has a very distinctive growth pattern. It can reach heights of 20 to 50 feet with dark grayish yellow or grayish brown flaky bark. Flower buds are reddish brown, oval shaped and hairy (pubescent) when young. Flowers in April and May. It must have a sunny situation in not too moist soil, preferring a sandy-loamy, gritty-loamy or sandy clay soil; however, they thrive in wet, clay-based loam at the nursery. The nursery received cuttings through the generosity of the Arnold Arboretum and the Morton Arboretum (as S. jessoensis). It can be used as an ornamental tree, screen, or windbreak. It is too twiggy for basketry.
USDA Hardiness Zone
As low as 4
Blooming Period
Mid to late Spring
Potential Height/Width
20 – 50 ft
Ornamental tree, windbreak, privacy screen