Hybrid Bay or Laurel Willow is a natural hybrid between two willows native to Europe and the Caucasus, this created Salix xmeyeriana. I believe that this hybrid was then crossed with Salix lucida (native to North America) by the US Forestry Service around 1900. This makes a magnificent 60 x 40ft tree with very large, attractive, very shiny, dark leaves reminiscent of Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus). It can be kept smaller with coppicing or heavy pruning. As broad-leaved evergreens are rare in Northern Vermont, this can perform the same function as Cherry Laurel; even if it is just in summer. The foliage is one of the most attractive of all willows. This is a male selection with showy catkins that came misidentified as Salix lucida; the Hybrid Bay Willow has much larger and shinier leaves than the native Shiny Willow, especially when coppiced! The name was changed from S. pentandra as the twigs are very brittle, whereas S. pentandra are not.
Description Credit to Michael Dodge
USDA Hardiness Zone
Blooming Period
Stay tuned!
Potential Height
A towering 60 ft!
Coarse weaving, ornamental willow