An extremely vigorous willow with strong stems after coppicing. Very upright in habit and great for large structures. The foliage is a rich dark green and the leaves are ovate as are its parent S. cinerea and displays evidence of Salix viminalis by the length of the flowering stems. I have counted up to seventy blossoms on a single stem; this means that it must be a great resource for bees. We obtained cuttings of this hybrid from several different sources and they are identical. A willow we bought as ‘Bowles Hybrid’ looks very similar to this; it’s possible we received the wrong thing, as ‘Bowles Hybrid’ is said to have very long leaves like S. viminalis, whereas these leaves are more like S. cinerea! As I write this in mid-October with blazing autumn color all around, these are still a rich dark green! In the first year after planting, this cross has a tendency to grow somewhat sideways! Simply coppice these hard to the ground in the second year and they will grow vertically.
Description Credit to Michael Dodge
USDA Hardiness Zone
Blooming Period
Mid Spring
Potential Height/Width
Living structures/fences/furniture, biofuel, pollinator food