A friend suggested that this hybrid should be called ‘Vigorella’, as that’s what this is!
It’s a cross between two wild collected clones of this native plant and produced at the University of Toronto. The result is astonishing! This is the most vigorous S. eriocephala
I have ever seen, growing twice the height of all other selections of this species in one year! I believe that is due to hybrid vigour (heterosis); a phenomenon in some plants where crossing two different clones/species of plants produces much more vigorous offspring! It is an attractive shrub with larger leaves than the species and long, straight stems that are covered with female catkins in April-May. It is highly insect and disease resistant and forms a shrub that can grow 15-20ft tall, but better if coppiced every 2-3 years to get more young flowering stems. Adaptable to a wide range of soil and moisture conditions. Like all willows, it prefers full sun!
Description Credit to Michael Dodge