This native of Europe and east to Siberia is a branching shrub or small tree with gray bark and grows from 10-20 ft. Branchlets are densely pubescent (downy) at first and gradually lose the fuzz; the gray bark appears and is distinguished by raised strips (striae) beneath the bark. Leaves are generally wider towards the tip and tapered toward the petiole (leaf stem). Upper surface is a dull green and downy; the lower surface is densely pubescent at first and gray as they age. At the base of the petioles are two large ear-shaped stipules that are somewhat persistent. Abundant large flowers open before the leaves appear in March and April and the male pussies are especially showy.
Description Credit to Michael Dodge
USDA Hardiness Zone
Blooming Period
Mid Spring
Stay tuned!
Potential Height
20 ft
Cut stems, pollinator assistance