A very showy male clone of a species that grows wild in Russia and east-Asia. It can grow to 30ft x 20ft, but better if coppiced every 2-3 years to encourage vigorous young growth. This cultivar maybe the same as Salix acutifolia ‘Pendulifolia’. Young twigs are dark red-purple and mature stems are covered with a vividly white bloom. Leaves, long, narrow, bright green and weeping. They turn bright yellow in Autumn add to the year-round show! Pointed silvery-white catkins to 2in with yellow anthers show early in March-April well before the leaves appear. In autumn the leaves turn bright yellow in a last fling before winter. Very showy in the winter landscape against dark conifers. Grow in full sun; moist, not wet soils; not fussy about pH.
Description Credit to Michael Dodge
USDA Hardiness Zone
Blooming Period
Early Spring
Potential Height/Width
30 ft high, 20 ft wide
Boost for pollinators, winter color, straight cut stems