Hello folks!
We have officially concluded our Fall 2021 shipping season…just in time for the Vermont Winter to begin! We must wait for dormancy before we can harvest and this year it didn’t happen until the third week. A possible omen for the future?
This season saw a few advancements in our techniques and methods. I don’t want to speak too soon, but I simply can’t hide my excitement: we managed to ship 15 ft rods! While it was quite a lot of work, it IS possible. Another milestone: our willows have been sent to all 50 states!
Autumn at the nursery is really quite a sight. I took a few photos, not nearly enough, of the transitioning seasons and the effect it has on our willows. One of the big surprises for me was how beautiful Aurea’s foliage is. We have many colorful stemmed willows, but few have the shockingly bright leaves of Aurea. In the nursery it sticks out like a, well, bright yellow thumb amongst the green. Now that our website is operational I can focus on bringing you both fun and informative content, and to spotlight lesser-known willows such as Aurea.
Speaking of the website, we’re working on ironing out any transition kinks. We had to acquire new everythings: certificates, rankings, emails, etc. I thank you for your patience while we figured all of that out. If you’ve got an undelivered email do resend it. We hope to make use of other functions of the website as we gain familiarity with the platform such as newsletters with updates about harvests and plugins that let you calculate your material needs.
As we enter the depths of winter I will be working diligently to fill out our product pages. I’ll be here to answer any questions you might have…just send an email! I greatly welcome any comments or suggestions for the site as well.
Enjoy your holidays!
I hear folks on the internet like animal photos…here’s one of Porkins exploring the upper nursery, drinking in the view.