Order Fulfillment and Shipping Information

Our nursery is quite unlike other online retailers. We do our best to accurately estimate your order’s shipping time but we must work with nature.

We open for sales on (or around) June 15 of each year, and cease taking new orders in (or around) April the following year. When you make a purchase, be aware that you are reserving your selections for the next scheduled harvest. We will ship to you at the time most conducive to a successful planting for your area.

We hold two harvests a year: one in Autumn and one in the Spring. To prevent damage to our willows, we need to harvest while they’re dormant. In Vermont, this generally begins in November and ends in May.

We base our shipping schedule by USDA Hardiness Zone and state. Zones were updated in 2023 so be sure to double check.

Orders for zones 6-13, placed before October 31, will ship during our Autumn harvest. This usually wraps up the week of Thanksgiving.

Orders for ALL zones, placed before March 31, begin to ship around the second week of April. This season usually ends in the middle of May.

International Orders

As of June 2024 we are no longer accepting international orders. We are truly honored that willow intrigues you enough that you found your way here and we hope to reverse this policy very soon. Regulations are tough to navigate!

All orders are subject to availability.

Double Check Your Zone With the USDA's Site